Outstanding Stock In/Out
Dashboard shows you quantity of items to be received / shipped. Press to the button to have a quick look of which order lines with outstanding quantity. This shows what you have to handle today

Inventory donut chart
Do you want to see how your inventories are distributed? Dashboard showing inventory by location donut chart allow you to see inventory distribution in a glance.
Another chart shows inventory by category let you know which categories dominate in your stock.

Top Stock In / Out
"Top Stock In Items of the Month" and "Top Stock Out Items of the Month" lists showing top received / shipped items of your warehouse, helping you understand your business better.

Barcode Scanning
By scanning barcode through mobile devices scanning application, you can identify the item and review all its detail. Also, you can edit the quantity to receive / ship in Stock In / Out order lines.

S/N & Lot No. Tracking
You can insert serial number or lot number to view item details, shipping note, receipt note etc. For serial number, examples of item could be appliances and electronic goods like smart phone. For lot number, the item could be food, chemicals, medical supplies etc.
Expiry Date Tracking
m-In includes expiry date, serial number & lot number tracking. Therefore, they can review which items are going to be expired and make necessary follow-up to reduce product soilage. When the goods are about to expire or out of stock, the system will send notification to remind users to replenish.

Multi Warehouse
You can manage your inventory with more than one warehouse such as central warehouse, regional warehouse and retail warehouses. Also, you can create multiple Bin inside individual warehouse.
Stock Transfer
Item can be transferred simultaneously between warehouses / bins.

Stock Taking
Make adjustments to your stock level. It updates stock numbers both positive and negative automatically. With mobile scanner, you can handle stock take wherever in warehouse or in store.
Order Managment
Stock Out
m-In automatically generates pick list and shipment note when the system receives sales order. Pick list is a check list specifying the items with quantity and dimensions. It is used by warehouse operators to clarify the items to be picked in each order. It helps speed up the pick-up procedure and minimize errors.

Stock In
m-In automatically generates receipt note when the system receives purchase order. Your warehouse operators can use it to check or validate the delivered goods.
Partially Shipment / Partially Receipt
It occurs when the order involves in two or more shipments. Shipment note and receipt note enable you to record the outstanding quantity and quantity to ship/receive in each delivery with date. Hence, you can see the shipment status and process at a glance.